Men’s Health Thailand Q&A August Issue

mens health coverFollowing on from my first Men’s Health Thailand Q&A, here is an English translation for my second column:

My nearest gym is miles away from my home and office, what home workout routines can you suggest?

men's health trainerYou don’t necessarily need to go to a gym to stay fit, strong and healthy. Let’s first look at the best piece of workout kit around – your body! Look at ways to use your body to push, pull, jump, lunge, squat and twist to provide resistance and test your body. You can do this anywhere such as a space in your house or garden. I would also recommend investing in some home workout kit such as dumbbells, medicine balls, resistance bands or suspension trainers. These will help to make your home workout more varied and interesting. If you prefer training outdoors, see if your local park has some bars or weights to use, or perhaps some hills to run up. If you’re a bit lost on workout ideas, check online resources for programs and routines. Lastly, give your home workout the effort it deserves – some people find home training a less motivating environment than a gym, so make sure you approach your new home workout with enthusiasm and commitment to succeed.
BASE X is a mix of HIIT and strength training and is one of our most popular classes at BASE.

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